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Ncs expert new profiles

ncs expert new profiles

Click the “Change job” button (F2) and verify a job named “NETTODATEN_CODIEREN” is listed. If you get a COAPI-1063 error in NCS Expert, the module probably doesn’t support nettodata coding. If you are happy with the result, keep a backup of NETTODAT.MAN for future reference. Click “OK” to begin the nettodata coding job.The module has been coded! Please note that some modules require the ignition to be switched off and on before the changes take effect. In the “Choose basic function” dialog box, select “coapiCodeSgByNettoData” and click “OK”.ġ4.In the following “coapiCodeSgByNettoData” dialog box, make sure the correct module is set for “CBD name” and enter NETTODAT.MAN for “Nettodatenliste”. Make sure the NETTODAT.MAN manipulation file is for the same module.ġ2.Click the “Basic functions” button (F5).ġ3. 11.In the “Choose ECU” dialog box, select the desired module and click “OK”.

Ncs expert new profiles